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Welcome to Connection Birth Doula Services

Are you expecting a baby? Feeling overwhelmed by all of the things in Pregnancy, birth, parenthood and postpartum? Or just want an extra support person? I'm here to help with that! Whether I am supporting you at your birth as a doula, working with you as a childbirth educator, or both, my philosophy is to provide you with as much support as I can in a way that feels supportive to you and your family. I will provide you with the information and resources you need to make informed decisions about your health and experience. 


You may know what a childbirth educator does, but you may be wondering what a doula is or does exactly? A Doula is a support person trained in giving physical, emotional, and informative support. We are taught about many things ranging from the process and stages of childbirth, positioning of the baby, acupressure, aroma therapy, coping mechanisms, comfort measures, and different positions that can aid in comfort, fetal rotation, and pain relief during pregnancy and childbirth. A doula works together with the person giving birth and their family to determine what kind of support works best for you and your family dynamic. We are there to answer any questions you or your partner may have. With all this amazing support doulas can offer it is always good to remember that doulas are not trained medical professionals, and will not be proving medical care or advice throughout any point of pregnancy and birth. Our job is to unbiasedly inform you on the options you have, and the risks and benefits of those options to the extent of our knowledge, so you can make an informed decision. There are so many different kinds of doulas and each one advertises different services, when looking at doulas to hire think of some questions you may have for them during your initial interview. - Theanna H.T

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